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Vol.33, No.1, 137 ~ 145, 1995
Dissolution of Flux - Containing Chrome Ore into Molten Slag and its Effects on Reduction Rate
정선광 , 김성만 Sun Kwang Jeong , Sung Man Kim
Smelting reduction behaviors of the chrome ore by carbon with and without CaCO₃ as a flux were studied to understand its effects on reduction rate and possibly to determine the rate controlling step. Mixed powder batches of chrome ore and stags of CaO-MgO-Al₂O₃-SiO₂ in various concentration of MgO and Al₂O₃ combined with a constant ratio of CaO to SiO₂ at an unity were held in graphite crucible for 120 minutes at 1600℃. The results were as follows: An addition of CaCO₃into chrome ore which resulted in a formation of low melting merwinite (C₃MS₂) had no effect on the reduction rate in slag of up to 45wt% of MgO and Al₂O₃ combined. Mass-transfer in slag phase was not likely a rate controlling step in view of an extremely vigorous stirring by CO generated at slag and graphite interface. The fractional conversion of chrome ore bore out zero-order reaction by a linear relationship with time within the threshold content of MgO and Al₂O₃, beyond which no further reaction took place. Chrome ore particles remaining unconverted at the termination of the experiment were surrounded by euhedral crystals of a high melting MgAl₂O₄ which had been precipitated from liquid slag due to accumulation of MgO and Al₂O₃. An addition of CaCO₃ into chrome ore acted as a diluent in the slag for Mg0 and Al₂O₃.
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