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Vol.33, No.1, 28 ~ 35, 1995
Characteristics of High Temperature Exposure on an SiC Continuous Fiber Reinforced Al Composite
김용규Yong Kyu Kim, 이창길Chang Gil Lee
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of huh temperature exposure on microstructure and fracture behavior of an SiC continuous fiber reinforced Al composite. After the specimens of 6061 Al-SiC fiber composite were exposured at 600℃ for 100∼300 hours in air, microstructure observations, AES in-situ fracture tests, tensile tests, and fracture surface observations were conducted. As the exposure time increased, the interfacial reaction layer grew and was found to be controlled by diffusion. The tensile strength of 6061 Al-SiC fiber composite and pull-out length of the fibers were decreased with increasing exposure time. The interfacial reaction layer and carbon coating layer were fractured in the early stage of deformation and acted on the surface of the fiber as a micronotch, thereby they promoted cracking of fibers.
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