
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.32, No.12, 1558 ~ 1566, 1994
Development of Microstructure in Explosively cladded copper Sheet
김세준 , 백승호 , 허무영 Se Jun Kim , Seung Ho Paik , Moo Young Huh
The formation of cladding induced microstructures was studied in the explosively cladded copper/copper sheets. The variation of the distance between the flyer and base plates during the cladding provided different morphologies of bonded interface in cladded Cu/Cu sheets. The fine equiaxed cells having random orientations were found to form at the bonded interface regions. The development of these cells was attributed to the rapid solidification of the thin melt layer immediately after the cladding. The microbands and the mechanical twins were observed in the deformed grains of the wave zone, where the grains suffered a large plastic deformation. The twinning was one of the dominant deformation mechanisms in the grains of the shocked zone. It is therefore suggested that the hardening rate under an extremly high strain rate is higher than the softening rate to raise the stress level over the critical shear stress for twinning.
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