The Microstructure Evolution of Zr - 2.5wt% Nb Alloy during Hot Rolling
최성배Seong Bae Choi, 권숙인S . I . Kwun, 황선근S . K . Hwang, 김명호M . H . Kim
In this paper, we described the microstructure evolution of Zr-2.5wt% Nb alloy during hot rolling in the α+β phase field after β quenching. The α′and retained β phases produced after β quenching transformed into α′and equilibrium a phases during subsequent hot rolling. The elongated αbecame shorter by penetration of β into a through high angel α/α boundaries as the number of rolling passes increased. Defects introduced during hot rolling process helped β transforming into α′with lower activation energy, and part of β transformed into α′by burst transformation during cooling after hoc rolling.