Effect of Dissolved Carbon on the Recrystallizationtexture and Microstructure in Low Carbon Steel
안재평 , 허무영 Jae Pyong Ahn , Moo Young Huh
The effect of dissolved carbon on the recrystallization behavior was studied in a low carbon steel by texture measurement and TEM observation. Two initial specimens having different amount of dissolved carbon atom in the ferrite matrix were cold rolled and recrystallized to compare the formation of recrystallization texture. The γ-fiber orientations in the recrystallization texture was explained by the preferred recrystallization nucleation and growth of {111}//ND oriented grains. The deformation was more inhomogeneous in the specimen with higher dissolved carbon atoms. The inhomogeneously deformed microstructure caused the random oriented recrystallization. Thus the orientation density along γ -fiber was Lower in the specimen with higher dissolved carbon.