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Vol.32, No.8, 917 ~ 923, 1994
Creep Strength of Eutectic Solders Used for Microelectronic Application
이성민 Seong Min Lee
In view of the importance of Pb-Sn eutectic alloy in soldered interconnection, the creep phenomena in eutectic bulk solders with microstructures similar to the solder joints have been investigated. A variety of loading paths (tensile, fatigue, load relaxation, and creep) along with microstructural examination were employed to characterize constitutieve behavior and identify potential creep mechanisms(e.g. grain boundary sliding) that might have an impact on fatigue. The experimental work was directed as a clearer description of what some of these phenomena might actually be and how they might be related to the underlying creep mechanisms. The mechanisms of grain boundary sliding and creep strengthening in a wavy eutectic alloy were proposed and the creep strength can be explained based on the stabilized subgrain boundaries caused by the two-phase microstructure.
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