Load Relaxation Behavior of 5083 Al Alloy at High Temperatures
권용남Yong Nam Kwon, 장영원Young Won Chang
The high temperature deformation behavior of 5083Al alloy has been examined through a series of tensile and load relaxtion tests, specifically in regard to the effect of grain size and test temperature. The experimental results were then analyzed using the recently proposed inelastic constitutive theory based on dislocation dynamics. The basic concept of this theory is that the flow behavior of fine grain crystalline materials at high temperature consists of grain boundary sliding accommodated mainly by grain matrix deformation caused by dislocations. Some of the important results obtained from this study is as follows. : 1) The high temperature deformation of fine grained 5083Al alloy is confirmed to consist of grain boundary sliding and accommodating grain matrix deformation, 2) The grain boundary sliding becomes a dominant deformation mechanism up to the strain rate of 10^(-2) and in a much lower temperature range of above 430℃ in this alloy, 3) The grain size effect appears to follow the Hall-Petch type relation replacing the flow stress by the internal strength variable(σ^*), 4) The activation energy for a lead dislocation to overcome grain boundaries is found to be Q¹=168.4 KJ/㏖ for this alloy.