Evaluation of Creep Crack Life time by Parameter of creep Local Strain Distribution
이규창 Gyu Chang Lee
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the parameter A(t) which can characterize the local creep strain distribution in 2024-T6Al alloy. The evaluation of creep crack initiation and dependence of temperatures were investigated by A(t). The results showed that the instantaneous strain distribution ε_(y,i) near the crack tip could be characterized by the parameter A(t). The parameter A(t) was applied to evaluate the creep crack initiation from pre-crack. It was found that creep cracks initiated when A(t) was reached at some critical values. These critical values were independent of loading levels but changed in propotion to 1/T (T : testing temperature). It is possible to estimate the crack growth initiation time using the instantaneous strain distribution parameter A(0).