The Effects of solidifying interface morphologies on the defect formation in recrystallization of silicon thin films
이시우Si Woo Lee, 반효동Hyo Dong Pan, 주승기Seung Ki Joo, 이원종Won Jong Lee
The interface morphologies of silicon thin films in recrystallization were observed indirectly by imposing pulses to scan speed and the relations between interface morphologies and corresponding defect morphologies were investigated. In cellular interface of large amplitude to primary spacing ratio (A/λ₁) small tip radius and low defect density were observed. In this interface the main defects were isolated threading disolcations running parallel to scan direction. As cell amplitude decreased, tip radius and defect density increased and continuous subgrainboundaries were observed. These results were analyzed by simple diffusion model. At large cell amplitude dendritic interfaces were observed especially in large thermal gradient region. The interface growing direction was $lt;100$gt; and the films showed (100) texture.