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Vol.32, No.2, 204 ~ 214, 1994
Effects of Pulverized Coal Injection on Behavior of Blast Furnace Raceway
한창환Jeong Whan Han, 정진경Jin Kyung Chung, 김태동Tai Dong Kim
Coal injection effects on the behavior of a blast furnace raceway were discussed based on analyses of operating parameters and coke sampling experiments through the tuyere of the blast furnace as well as one-dimensional mathematical simulation of coal combustion characteristics in the raceway. Coke sampling lance was inserted through the tuyere during the shut-down of blast furnace to measure the raceway depth. It was revealed that the raceway depth decreases with the increase of coal injection rate, which could result in the increase of wall temperature and gas permeability resistance at the lower part of the furnace. The one-dimensional mathematical model considering the kinetics of coal and coke combustions was developed in order to simulate the combustion characteristics, such as gas temperatures and compositions in the raceway. It was found that the calculated peak temperature of gas way similar to the adiabatic flame temperature which is one of the operating parameters, and that the calculated effects of blast temperature, moisture addition and oxygen enrichment on the gas temperature except the coal injection rate were well matched with the changes of adiabatic flame temperature.
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