
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.32, No.1, 128 ~ 134, 1994
Analysis of Deformation under a Uniaxial Tension of Invar Shadow Masks
백승철Seung Chul Baik, 이세형Se Hyeong Lee, 김성철Sung Chul Kim, 이동녕Dong Nyung Lee
The finite element method has been used to analyse the deformation behaviour of shadow masks during uniaxial tension. Shadow masks are perforated with a uniform triangular pattern of round holes or slots. The size of hole in the shadow mask varies with depth. In the analysis, the average hole size was used. The average hole size was calculated by averaging the hole sizes changing along the depth. Measured flow curves and apparent lateral strain-longitudinal strain relation were in good agreement with the FEM results calculated based on the plane strain at a larger ratio of thickness to ligament length and on the plane stress at a smaller ratio.
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