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Vol.31, No.12, 1579 ~ 1587, 1993
Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of 2024 Al / SiCp Composite by Mechanical Alloying (2) ( Extruded Materials and Stress Corrosion Characteristics )
조형준Hyung June Cho, 김성진Sung Jin Kim, 이준희Jun Hee Lee, 고영호Young Ho Koh, 박찬Chan Park
Effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties and stress corrosion of 2024Al matrix composites manufactured by mechanical alloying process has been investigated in this study. The composite as extruded has a high tensile strength and very short stress corrosion life. Specimens stabilized show susceptibility to stress corrosion equal to that of as extruded. Electron microscopy of the specimens at their peak hardness revealed the S` phase precipitates, which are thought to enhance the age hardenability. It was found that the composite aged at 190℃ for 1000 minutes had the highest hardness valuewhile the one aged at 190℃ for 3000 minutes having the highest resistance to stress corrosion cracking. This means that the maximum susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking of 2024Al/SiC_p composite does not occur in peak aged condition. There was a great difference in stress corrosion characteristics between the composite in this study and the conventional 2024Al alloy.
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