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Vol.31, No.11, 1391 ~ 1396, 1993
A Study on the Vacuum Induction Melting of Rene 80 Alloy (2) ( Desulfurization and Variation of Carbon Content )
오영주Yung Joo Oh, 정순효Soon Hyo Chung
The vacuum refining of nickel base Rene´ 80 was studied by using a 2㎏ laboratory vacuum induction melting apparatus. It was possible to reduce the sulfur content of superalloy Rene´ 80 to below 2 ppm by strong induction stirring of melt and a use of calcia lined crucible. At initial carbon contents below 0.04%, the degree of decarburization after first refining and second refining were 77% and 57%, respectively. At initial carbon contents above 0.04%, the degree of decarburization decreased with increasing initial carbon content.
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