Hyperelastic Behavior of Rubber and Analysis of Large Deformation of Bush Type Engine Mount using Finite Element Method
김중재Joong Jae Kim, 김헌영Heon Young Kim
In the present work, the hyperelasticity theory of rubber material behavior is presented and finite element formulation for that material is briefly discussed. The tests to get the information of rubber material behavior are carried out. Two types of strain energy models for the material behavior are introduced and how to define the form of the strain energy potential from the test results is described. As an application, the deformation characteristic of a bush type engine mount for a passenger car is analyzed using the commercial finite element method program ABAQUS. The results of analysis using each form of strain energy potential are compared with the experimental results. And the reliability of the forms of strain energy for this case is checked. Finally, the current status of rubber part design process and future works for more systematic approach are discussed.