Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Squeeze Cast Mg Alloy Composites
이성학Sung Hak Lee, 손기선Kee Sun Sohn, 정성실Sung Sil Jhung, 박익민Ik Min Park, 남태운Tae Woon Nam
The objective of this study is to investigate the correlation of microstructure and mechanical properties of the AZ91 Mg and the pure Mg matrix composites fabricated by squeeze casting techinque with a variation of applied pressure. Microstructure observation, fractographic observation and in-situ fracture tests were conducted on the composites to identify the microfracture process. Detailed microstructural analyses indicated that the grain refinement and the increase in volume fraction of reinforcing short, fibers could be achieved with increasing applied pressure. It was also found clearly from in -situ observation of crack initiation and propagation that in the composite processed by the larger applied pressure, microcracks were initiated easily at short. fibers already cracked during the squeeze casting process before the matrix/fiber decohesion or the matrix deformation occurred, thereby resulting in the drop in strength. Thus, the effect of the applied pressure on microstructure and mechanical properties can be explained using two competing mechanisms; the deterious effect of fiber breakage might override the beneficial effect of grain refinement or increased reforcements as the applied pressure was increased.