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Vol.31, No.9, 1228 ~ 1235, 1993
A Study on the Deformation Behaviour under Static Stress in Ti50Ni35Pd15 Shape Memory Alloy
오현숙Hyun Sook Oh, 이갑호Kap Ho Lee, 천병선Byong Sun Chun, 홍석균Suk Kyun Hong
The B₂⇔ B_(19) transformation behaviours in a ternary Ti_(50)Ni_(35)Pd_(15)(at.%) alloy were investigated by means of electrical resistivity measurements, differential scanning calorimetry and constant load thermal cycling tests and they were compared with the B₂⇔ R and B₂⇔ B_(19) transformations in a thermo-mechanically treated binary Ti-50.2Ni alloy. The transformation start temperature of B₂→ B_(19) transformation and transformation finish temperature of B_(19) → B₂ transformation increased lineary with increasing applied stress. The stress dependence of the transformation start temperature, transformation elongation and hysteresis of the B₂⇔ B_(19) tranformations in the ternary alloy were 10.0MPa/K in the reciprocal form(dσ/dT) where σ in the critical stress for inducing the transformation, 2.1% and 25K, respectively. The B₂→ B_(19) transformation in the ternary Ti-Ni-Pd alloy lies between the B₂→ R and B₂B_(19)` transformation in the binary Ti-Ni alloy. And the transformation elongation associated with the B₂⇔ B_(19) transformation increased rapidly for stresses less than 80MPa and slowly above 80MPa with increasing applied stress.
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