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Vol.31, No.9, 1221 ~ 1228, 1993
Sound Absorbing Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Sintered Plate of Aluminum Powders
강영곤Young Kon Kang, 김상무Sang Mu Kim, 조성석Seong Seock Cho
In this study, aluminum powders were sintered to porous aluminum plate, and the sound absorbing characteristics and mechanical properties was investigated. The difference of thermal expansion coefficient between aluminum and alumina was used in sintering aluminum powder and in order to increase sintering property of aluminum powder, Al-8%Si powder was mixed as a binding material. The cross section of sintered plate was obserbed with optical microscope and EDAX. The result showed that silicon was mainly distributed near the neck between sintered aluminum powders. and Al-8%Si alloy powder worked as a binding material. The result of measurement of sound absorbing coefficient showed resonator type characteristics by increasing the thickness and density of sintered plate and maximum sound absorbing coefficient was transfered to lower frequency by increasing air space of the back side of sound absorbing plate. Tensile strength of the sound absorbing plate was increased to 31∼37㎏/㎠ by increasing density.
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