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Vol.31, No.8, 957 ~ 966, 1993
Effects of Intensity and Scanning Velocity of the Line heater on the Recrystallization of Poly Silicon thin Films in the Halogen Lamp SOI - ZMR
임인곤 , 이시우 , 반효동 , 주승기 , 김성균 , 오규환 In Gon Lim , Si Woo Lee , Hyo Dong Pan , Seung Ki Joo
In ZMR of SOI structured polycrystalline silicon thin films using tungsten halogen lamps, a heat equation with moving heat source was numerically solved. A new physical model which can describe the solidification behavior of silicon thin film was proposed. From the simulation results, the supercooling in liquid phase due to the difference of reflectivity and emissivity of silicon is expected and the interface is expected to be unstable. As the beam intensity and the scanning velocity increases, the interface morphology is expected to change from nonplanar to planar and the resultant defect density is expected to increase. Experimental results agreed well with those theoretical model. By introducing the interface instability analysis, we proposed the process diagram for the first time as a function of beam intensity and scanning velocity.
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