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Vol.31, No.6, 730 ~ 739, 1993
Fabrication of Clad metals by Roll Bonding
이세형Se Hyeong Lee, 이동녕Dong Nyung Lee
Silver overlaid phosphor bronze and nickel inlaid phosphor bronze strips have been fabricated by cold roll bonding. Effects of surface cleaning methods of component strips, the rolling speed, the initial fraction of thicknesses and the reduction ratio on bonding were investigated. Good bonding required wire brushing of bronze strips and rolling reduction ratios over 50%. Annealing alove 400˚C for 1 hour to reroll overlaid metal for the sake of controlling dimensions caused pore band formation near the interface between the two component metals. However sufficient rerolling reductions could remove the pore band. Modification of the shape of nickel strip could improve bonding between the component strips of nickel inlaid phosphor bronze. (Received February 10, 1993)
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