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Vol.31, No.6, 712 ~ 722, 1993
Effects of Alloying elements on Microstructure and Fatigue Life in High Carbon Bearing Steels
남원종Won Jong Nam, 최해창Hae Chang Choi
The effects of alloying elements on microstructures and fatigue life in STB2 bearing steel, were investigated through the measurements of particle distribution and alloy content in carbides for different chemical composition and manufacturing processes. Among alloying elements, chromium has a strong influence on the distribution of carbides. Finer spheroidized carbides and finer retained carbide particles were distributed after austenitizing and quenching. The microchemistry of carbides also changes during spheroidizing and austenitizing. The chromium content in carbides was decreased during spheroidizing and increased again during austenitizing. The effect of the chromium addition was found to increase fatigue life markedly, while those of other elements such as manganese and silicon, were found to be not so effective on the fatigue life.
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