Uniaxial Compression of Sintered Porous Alloy Steel Preform at Room and High Temperatures
조한기H . K . Cho, 서정J . Suh, 황상무S . M . Hwang, 김기태K . T . Kim
Deformation response and densification behavior of sintered porous alloy steel preform under uniaxial compression were investigated at room and high temperatures, with various initial relative densities and strain rates. Matrix material response of porous alloy steel preform was also investigated by using fully dense alloy steel cylinder. Theoretical analyses with several yield functions from the literature and matrix material response did not agree with experimental data for porous alloy steel cylinder. A new yield function based on Kim`s yield function and experimental data was proposed. Agreement between theoretical analysis with the proposed yield function and experimental data for porous alloy steel cylinder was good. Finally, displacement-relative density and displacement-load relations, deformed geometry and density distribution of porous alloy steel ring under uniaxial compression at high temperature were compared with the finite element simulations using the proposed yield function and Shima and Oyane`s yield function, respectively.