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Vol.31, No.2, 244 ~ 252, 1993
Behavior of Decarburization Reaction in Ultra Low Carbon Steel under Reduced Pressure
손재웅Jae Woong Son, 노광현Kwang Hyun Ro
Kinetics of the decarburization reaction in the ultra low carbon ranges under reduced pressure was studied in steel, using both a vacuum induction melting furnace and the RH of 300ton. The optimum conditions for getting carbon content of 20ppm within the RH treatment of 15minutes are as follows: 1) The pressure of vessel should be less than one torr in five minutes after the start of decarburization. 2) Ladle slag entrained into vacuum vessel shows a deFrimental effect on decarburization during the RH treatment. The slag decreases the decarburization rate and increases the carbon content by 10ppm after the treatment. 3) Carbon and oxygen contents of 200-350ppm and 500-850ppm, respectively before the RH treatment are required. 4) The Ar gas flow rate should be more than 2400 Nℓ/min during RH treatment. (Received July 22, 1992)
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