Effect of Dissolved Carbon on the Cold Rolling Texture and Microstructure in Low Carbon Steel
안재평Jae Pyong Ahn, 허무영Moo Young Huh
The effects of dissolved carbon in ferrite matrix on the deformation behaviors during the cold rolling were studied in a low carbon steel by the texture measurements and TEM observations. The slip was more inhomogeneous in the specimen with higher dissolved carbon atoms. The specimen in which few carbons were dissolved showed only a few shear bands though at the 80% reduction, otherwise the specimen having a large amount of dissolved carbons showed that the formation of shear bands was one of the deformation mechanisms at the reductions higher than 50%. The crystal rotation to the stable end orientation for the rolling was hindered by the inhomogeneous deformation mechanisms such as shear bands. Thus the lower orientation density in the rolling texture was developed in the specimen with higher dissolved carbon atoms. The preferred formation of shear bands in the{111}$lt;112$gt; oreinted grains lowered the{111}$lt;112$gt; orientation density in the rolling texture of the specimen with dissolved carbon atoms, of which the development of shear bands was one of the important deformation mechanisms during the deformation.