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Vol.31, No.1, 25 ~ 32, 1993
A Study on the Vacuum Induction Melting of Rene 80 Alloy (1) ( Deoxidation and Denitriding )
오영주Yung Joo Oh, 정순효Soon Hyo Chung
In this study, the vacuum refining trials of nickel base superalloy Rene 80 were done using 2kg laboratory vacuum induction melting apparatus. It was possible to lower the oxygen and nitrogen contents of superalloy Rene´ 80 to 4 ppm and 1 ppm, respectively, by low temperature vacuum refining after melt down (1500-1550℃) 1-3 mtorr), strong stirring of melt by induction, addition of alloying element with sequence of Ti after Al, low temperature vacuum refining after addition of alloying elements (1500-1550℃, 1-3 mtorr) and use of calcia lined crucible.
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