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Vol.31, No.1, 7 ~ 16, 1993
Fracture Characteristics of Al - Li Alloys Deformed by Ballistic Impact
이창길Chang Gil Lee, 이성학Sung Hak Lee, 이용연Yong Yun Lee
The objective of this study is to investigate fracture characteristics of aluminum alloys deformed by ballistic impact. The testing materials used in this study were 2090 Al-Li, Weldalite, and 7039 Al alloys. After the ballistic impact testing, metallurgical observations were conducted using optical microscope and SEM. Adiabatic shear bands were observed in the impacted regions of all alloys, but the amount and the morphology of the shear bands were quite different in each alloy. Ballistic performance of the aluminum alloys against ballistic impact loading was also discussed by comparing the shear banding behavior with ballistic properties.
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