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Vol.30, No.12, 1476 ~ 1485, 1992
Three Dimensional Finite element Analysis of Tensile Behaviour of SiC whisker reinforced Aluminium Composite
오규환K . H . Oh, 정인범I . B . Jeong, 이동녕D . N . Lee
Three dimensional finite element analysis was employed using the elasto-plastic model with work hardening characteristics to study the tensile behaviour of unidirectional short fiber composite. The internal stress and matrix yielding behaviour were studied and stress-strain curve of composite was predicted. Matrix yielding was greatly influenced by the presence of non-axisymmetrical part of matrix. There was the region of no yielding near fiber end even for higher applied stress than matrix tensile strength, which was associated with high triaxial stress state in that region. Load transfer through fiber end surface should not be ignored for the short fiber composite, because matrix fracture can be largely affected by load transfer through the fiber end. The predicted tensile strength of composite was obtained by the fracture criterion, when maximum effective stress of the matrix reaches tensile strength of matrix, composite material are fractured. The predicted tensile strengths of composite with various volume fraction and aspect ratio were in good agreement with experimental results.
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