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Vol.30, No.12, 1448 ~ 1458, 1992
The Formation Behaviour of E3 and E6 Eutectic Phases in Al - Fe Based In - situ Composites
정해룡Hae Rhyong Chung, 조현기Hyun Kee Cho
The in-situ composites produced by unidirectional solidification are known by its fabrication at lower cost and its higher wettability between matrix and fibers, compared with the other composites such as F.R.M and F.R.P. The present work is aimed to examine transitional behaviour of Al-Fe based in-situ composites. Microstructure and mechanical properties at room and elevated temperatures have been studied on unidirectionally solidified Al-Fe alloy which contained additional elements such as Ti and Cr. As the solidification rate increased, Al-Al₃Fe eutectic phase changed into Al-Al_6Fe eutectic phase and morphology of the composite structure changed from the plate type into rod type in off-eutectic Al-2.23% Fe alloy. Cellular eutectic phase was formed in the coupled growth region except at extremely slow rates of solidified alloys have been improved as compared with the normally cast alloy. The Al-Al_6Fe eutectic became stronger than the Al-Al₃Fe eutecticalloy by addition of Ti and Zr elements to Al-Fe binary alloy and the Al-Al₃Fe eutectic transfered into Al-Al_6Fe at the faster solidification rate.
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