
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.30, No.11, 1363 ~ 1369, 1992
Preparation of Al / Al2O3 composite by oxide Dispersion Strengthening
이종현C . H . Lee, 원창환C . W . Won, 천병선B . S . Chun, 조성석S . S . Cho
The mechanical properties of the Al/Al₂O₃composite materials prepared by oxide dispersion strengthening were investigated. The tensile strength and hardness were increased with increasing the weight percent of Cu/Al₂O₃composite powder of the Al melt up to a constant concentration. In the case of Vol. ratio of Al₂O₃Sol./Cu(NO₃)₂, 1:1, the tensile strength exhibited a maximum at 0.39 Vol.% of Cu/ Al₂O₃addition. However the tensile strength was decreased above 0.39 Vol.% of Cu/Al₂O₃addition, On the other hand, the elongation was decreased with increasing the weight percent of Cu/Al₂O₃addition to the Al melt. It was also revealed that the tensile strength of the materials was not influenced by the melting temperature but was influenced mainly by the volume ratio of Al₂O₃Sol./Cu(NO₃)₂, while the effect of melting temperature was quite small.
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