Microscopic Mechanism of the Hydrogen damage Effect on Softening Behavior
권동일Don Gil Kwon, 김학민Hak Min Kim, 이성학Sung Hak Lee, 장영원young Won Chang
The influence of hydrogen on the plastic flow and fracture was studied using smooth and notched tensile specimens. Cathodic charging was performed at current densities varying from 0.04 mA/㎠ to 2 mA/㎠ under controlled galvanostatic conditions. The introduction of high-fugacity hydrogen into the matrix by electrocharging caused irreversible internal damage in the absence of stress at current densities above 0.2 mA/㎠. Hydrogen damage was closely related to softening behavior such as the suppression of yield-point phenomenon and the degradation of mechanical strength observed in the hydrogen-charged case. During tensile testing a number of surface cracks were developed from subsurface damages, resulting in a reduction of work-hardening rates compared to the uncharged case. To effectively analyze these changes in plastic properties after hydrogen charging, hydrogen-induced softening phenomenon was discussed in terms of microscopic dislocation behavior around local particle interfaces.