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Vol.30, No.10, 1186 ~ 1196, 1992
Analysis of Energy and material Balance for Smelting Reduction Processes
민동준D . J . Min, 주상훈S . H . Joo, 정원섭W . S . Chung, 김태도T . D . Kim, 이일옥I . O . Lee
A computer simulation model of various smelting reduction processes for the production of hot metal was developed by using energy and material balance concept. this model can predict the coal flux, oxygen consumption and the volume, temperature, and composition of off gas. This model was comprehensive in that take account all of the important variables including composition of materials and operation factors. Four different concepts for smelting reduction processes were considered. A sensitivity analysis of the critical variables for four different concepts was performed including content of sulfur and phosphorus. The major critical variables for each concept can be explained by using thes analysis of energy and material balance. The major conclusions were as follows; 1. The most important variables for in-bath smelting process were post-combustion ratio, high HTE and refractory protection technology. 2. In the case of high pre-reduction processes, gas utilization and anti-sticking technologies were required for the attractive process. 3. The quality of hot metal by smelting reduction process was almost the same level of that of BF. But sulfur content may be higher than BF type.
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