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Vol.30, No.9, 1087 ~ 1097, 1992
Softning and Melting Down Behavior of Iron Ore Sinter Under Load
조용환Yong Hwan Cho, 김태동Tai Dong Kim, 신형기Hyung Kee Shin, 김동의Dong Ui Kim
As an alternative way to investigate how iron ore sinter in a blast furnace behaves in the process of reduction and mineral formation during softening and melting, tests under loading of iron ore sinter in temperature ranges of 800℃ and 1515℃ have been made. It was found that iron ore sinter at basicity of 1.8 behaved fairly good, while that of 1.6 shrinked rapidly as compared with that at higher basicity. It was also found that metallic iron was readily reduced from Fe0 in temperatures below 1100℃ and over 1400℃, whereas the reduction was retarded in temperature ranges between 1100℃ and 1400℃, whereas the reduction was retarded in temperature ranges between 1100℃ and 1400℃. A mechanism on the formation of mineral phase and its transfer into slag were confirmed and analyzed from the phase diagram of CaO-SiO₂-MgO-10%Al₂O₃. The magnesio-wustite phase was found to be melted into a slag in temperature ranges of 1300℃ and 1400℃, thereby raising a dripping start temperature of the melt and enhancing a blast furance operation.
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