
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.30, No.9, 1063 ~ 1071, 1992
The Modelling of Rod Growth during Spray Forming ( Transient State Model )
이희춘Hui Choon Lee, 나형용Hyung Yong Ra, 오규환Kyu Hwan Oh, 이호인Ho In Lee, 김성균Sung Kyun Kim
The shape change of deposited rod with processing time has been numerically calculated by mass balance on the deposit surface between sprayed and deposited material. Local growth velocity of deposit surface is function of the surface geometry at a given position and processing time. The shape of the deposit calculated by assuming parallel spray density and normal distribution shows a reasonalbly good rod form. The radius of the rod is propotional to square root of melt flow rate, and inverse to square root of substrate withdrawal velocity.
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