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Vol.30, No.7, 807 ~ 813, 1992
The effects of Strain Rate on the High Temperature Low Cycle Fatigue properties of CM247LC Superalloy
최병학B . H . Choe, 김학민H . M . Kim, 이후철H . C . Lee
The effect of strain rate on the low cycle fatigue (LCF) properties of CM 247LC superalloys were studied. Two different strain rates of 0.05 ㎐ and 0.003 ㎐ were used for polycrystalline of Cm247LC. The microstructural changes and dislocation structures were investigated by electron microscopy. It was found strain rate does not affect cyclic dislocation structures, but dislocation recovery was believed to be affected by strain rates. At lower strain rate, i.e. 0.003 ㎐, the plastic strain was larger at constant total strains but the applied stress was smaller at constant plastic strain range. The increase in LCF life was resulted from the lower applied stresses at constant plastic strain range due to the recovery of dislocations at the lower strain rate.
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