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Vol.30, No.5, 600 ~ 608, 1992
Recovery of Lithium and Boron form the Domestic Bittern by an ion Exchange Method
김준수J . S . Kim, 박형규H . K . Park, 김성돈S . D . Kim, 유효신H . S . Yu, 이강인K . I . Rhee
This study is to develop a process for the recovery of lithium and boron from the bittern, which is a by-product in manufacturing table salt from seawater and to prepare their compounds. Borate and lithium ions in the bittern were separated and recovered by the ion exchange method. Commercial anion exchange resin, Amberlite IRA-743, was used for the recovery of boron. Inorganic adsorbent, SnSbA, was synthesized at a Sb/Sn ratio of 1.75 for the lithium recovery. Boric acid was made through the acidification of the boron eluate and lithium carbonate was made from the lithium eluate through several treatments such as carbonation. The continuous ion exchange column equipment was scaled up four times as large for boron and seven and a half times for lithium as the batch column and the scale-up test results showed good agreements to the batch results.
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