CO2 Laser Beam Absorptance measurement on Steel Surface by Two Dimensional F . D . M .
유봉영B . Y . Yoo, 정규철K . C . Chong, 김도훈T . H . Kim
This work was carried out to suggest a simple method for calculation of CO₂ laser beam absorptance on metal surface. Temperatures were measured from a series of locations on specimens during the irradiation of CO₂ laser beam on thin plate-shaped specimen. Absorptance was calculated by using modified finite differential method for two-dimensional unsteady-state heat transfer problem. Absorptance of laser beam increased when specimen temperature was increased, and calculated values were 9.3∼11.1% and 5.0∼5.5% for STS304 stainless steel and SM45C carbon steel for 82 W CO₂ laser beam. These absorptances were agreed well with other investigators results and theoretical values.