Toughness analysis of a 2124 - T6 Al - SiCw composite using Strain - controlled Fracture Criterion
김영환Young Hwan Kim, 이성학Sung Hak Lee, 권동일Don Gil Kwon
In order to identify experimentally the microstructural characteristic distance and the critical effective strain of the 2124-T6 aluminum composite reinforced with 15 v/o SiC whiskers, the effect of the notch root radius on the measured apparent fracture toughness was analyzed using a strain controlled fracture model based on the strain field ahead of blunt notch tip. In-situ SEM fracture test and fractographic observation were also conducted to investigate micromechanisms of fracture process. The calculated microstructural characteristic distance was nearly consistent with the average spacing between the observed fracture initiation sites. The SiC whisker clusters and the microcracks located at brittle intermetallic particles were found to act as major fracture initiation sites, thereby leading to the blocky roughness in the range from 10 to 20 ㎛ on fracture surfaces., These foundings suggest that fracture toughness of the composites is affected primarily by the local distribution of SiC whiskers and the existance of the brittle matrix constituents which are much larger microstructural parameters than the average whisker spacing.