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Vol.30, No.3, 278 ~ 284, 1992
Oxidation of Nickel in the Temperature Range of 800℃ to 1200℃ at Air
조성길Seong Gill Cho, 이정용Jeong Young Lee, 이승원Seoung Won Lee, 이갑호Kap Ho Lee
The oxidation of nickel has been studied in a temperature range of 800℃ to 1200℃ in the air. The oxidation kinetics obeyed a parabolic time relationship, and the estimated activation energy for growth of the oxide layer is 34,3 ㎉/mole. According to the marker test, nickel ions migrated much faster than oxygen ions and NiO formed on the oxide surface. The new oxide formed along grain boundaries, where oxygen ions diffusing inward along grain boundaries combines with nickel ions diffusing outward through the Ni grains. The structure of the interface between NiO and Ni substrate has been studied by using a transmission electron microscope and interfacial stuctures are discussed.
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