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Vol.29, No.12, 1316 ~ 1325, 1991
A Transmission Electron Microscopic Study on the Microstructural characteristics of the Mg - Li - Al Alloys
김도향D . H . Kim, 한소섭Y . S . Han, 이호인H . I . Lee
Microstructure and decomposition behaviour of Mg-BLi-xAl(x=1, 3, 5) alloys have been investigated. Detailed TEM study shows that. the microstructure of Mg-Li-Al alloys consists of two types of matrix phases, the h.c.p. α and b.c.c. β phases. With the presence of Al, additional two phases, MgLi₂ Al and AlLi are present in the form of 0.1-0.3㎛ or 1-3㎛ size particles in the αrt and βphase matrix. With increasing Al content, the amount of the MgLi₂Al and AlLi phase particles increases. Present study indicates that these particles play an important role in improving the strength of the Mg-Li alloys with the addition of Al. These particles are, however, dissolved into the surrounding matrix phase by annealing at the temperature of 350℃ for 1 hour.
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