By using the centrifugal atomization of rapid solidification process, the alloy powder which contained Sn and Si on the basis of monotectic Al-Pb system were fabricated. Morphology, size distribution, particle diameter, hardness were examined. To investigate distribution pattern of each element in the alloy powder, X-ray dot mapping of EPMA was used. And so, to know the solubility of Si by RSP, X-ray diffraction experiment was acted. The shape of the obtained powder particles were not globe-shaped but generally ligament, direct drop and irregular-shaped. The size distribution showed bimodal distribution which have two peak at 50㎛ and 200㎛. The microstructure for Si addition showed dendritic structure. From the solidification structure, the cooling rate of the alloy powder was calculated to be 10²∼10^5 K/S. Within the experimental conditions, it was found that the Addition elements were and thoroughly dispersed in the matrix. In the present work, the solubility of Si in a phase was about 4wt% by rapid solidification. |