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Vol.29, No.8, 866 ~ 874, 1991
Elastic Constants of Textured hexagonal Polycrystalline Materials
김용채Yong Che Kim, 김헌준Huhn Jun Kim, 전병칠Byung Chil Chun, 이창희Chang Hee Lee, 이정수Jeong Soo Lee, 성백석Baek Seok Seong, 심해섭Hae Seop Shim, 최병훈Byoung Hoon Choi, 호종화Jong Wha Ho
The elastic compliance and stiffness constants for hexagonal polycrystalline materials with sheet and fiber texture are calculated in Reuss-Voigt-Hill approximation by averaging corresponding properties of the single cystal weighted with the crystallites orientation distribution function(ODF). They depend only on the first five coefficients in the series expansion of ODF for sheet texture and two for fiber texture. Based on the ODF coefficients obtained by neutron diffraction, anisotropy of Young`s modulus was estimated for Zircaloy-4 sheet and tube samples as well as a Zircaloy-2 rod sample.
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