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Vol.29, No.8, 777 ~ 783, 1991
A Study on the Blocking Effect of Oxygen using an Air Curtain
이승호Seung Ho Lee, 권제일Je Il Kwon, 주승기Seung Ki Joo, 이우일Woo Il Lee, 이준식Jun Sik Lee, 차승수Seung Soo Cha
An air curtain was designed and fabricated in order to maintain an oxygen free environment. With a properly designed air curtain, it was possible to maintain the oxygen concentration less than 0.01 under the conditions of 10∼20 ℓ/min air flow. (fluid velocity:6.17∼12.34 ㎝/sec)When the chamber was purged with nitrogen, the lower equilibrium oxygen concentration($lt;0.001% ) than without purging could be obtained. The oxygen concentrations decreases linearly with time at the beginning of air flow in the air curtain. When the oxygen concentration is decreased to less than 1%, the variation of concentration is proportional to (min.)ⁿ. It was found that n is -2 to -3 without Nitrogen purging and is less than -6 with purging.
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