Preparation of TiC Powder by SHS ( self - propagating high temperature synthesis )
장대규Dae Gyu Chang, 심건주Gun Choo Shim, 원창환Chang Whan Won, 천병선Byung Sun Chun
The combustion synthesis of titanium carbide from elemental powders has been experimentally studied as following. 1) All the products synthesized by SHS method were nearly pure TiC powders. The lattice constant was increased with increasing C/Ti atomic ratio, however, at about 0.8 C/Ti atomic ratio the lattice constant reached a plateau of 4.325Å. 2) The combustion of titanium and carbon powders was accompanied by the evolution of gases having steady state combustion mode with propagation rate of 10㎜/sec. at 2600℃. 3) The size distribution of the product was relatively wide in the range of 2㎛ and 40㎛.