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Vol.29, No.6, 611 ~ 618, 1991
Tempering Effects on Tensile Deformation and Fracture Behaviors in Dual - Phase Steels of Different Starting Structures
김일영Eel Yong Kim, 신동혁dong Hyuk Shin, 맹선재Sun Chae Maeng
The different starting structures of the present study were ferrite + coarse pearlite (F+ P₁), ferrit + fine pearlite(F+P₂) and martensite(M). True stress vs. true strain curves were analysed before and after tempering. When compared the work hardening rate before tempering, the DP steel with the M-starting structure has shown the highest value. Uniform true strain was decreased with increasing tempering temperatures up to 400℃, and then increased above 400℃. Void formation behavior beneath the fracture surfaces of the tensile specimens has been studied. Preferred sites of void formation are the ferrite-martensite interfaces, the elongated martensite ends and the precipitate particles. Voids are also formed by splitting of martensite phases in the case of tempering.
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