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Vol.29, No.5, 493 ~ 500, 1991
Effects of Heat Treatment of the Distribution of Steadite and Wear Characteristics of Phosphorus contained Ductile Cast Iron
서상철S . C . Seo, 김동규D . G . Kim, 임창희C . H . Yim, 나형용H . Y . Ra
The steadite enveloping heat treatement and wear test were carried out in order to investigate the distribution of steadite and wear characteristics of phosphorus contained ductile cast iron. The steadite existed among eutectic cell boundaries was moved to the graphite and appeared to envelop graphite at the optimum steadite enveloping heat treatment condition of 1050℃ for 30 min. In the case of specimens not treated with steadite enveloping heat treatment, the maximum point of wear loss was moved to high velocity side with increasing phosphorus content, while the maximum point of wear loss did not appear clearly for the steadite enveloping heat treated specimens. The steadite enveloping heat treated specimen showed superior wear characteristics than the specimen not treated, due to the rein- forcement of hard steadite exists around soft graphite.
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