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Vol.29, No.5, 436 ~ 442, 1991
A Study on Recrystallization of the Si thin Film Layer by halogen Lamps
이시우Si Woo Lee, 주승기Seung Ki Joo
For SOI(semiconductor on insulator) application, recrystallization of poly-Si thin films by ZMR(zone melting recrystallization) was carried out with the halogen lamp line heating system In this study, the effects of scanning speed, energy density, and the existence of the single crystal seed on ZMR were mainly investigated. Several mm sized grains containing many subgrain boundaries aligned along the scanning direction were obtained at the scanning speed of 1∼2㎜/sec and halogen lamp power of 2500W, which was identified with an optical microscope and the cross-sectional TEM. As the scanning speed was increased the grain size was slightly increased. Through thin film X-ray diffraction analysis, development of (100) texture after ZMR was found and the specimen with the single crystal seed showed very strong development of the texture.
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