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Vol.29, No.4, 410 ~ 416, 1991
Production and control Technology of Austempered Ductile Iron with High Strength and High Toughness
오승택Seung Taik Oh, 강동명Dong Meong Kang, 백승호Seung Ho Paik, 강인찬In Chan Kang
One aspect of the properties of austempered ductile iron (ADI) which should be exploited further in promoting engineering applications is their fracture toughness. In this study ductile irons with various Si content were austempered and the relationship among austempering temperatures, quantity of retained austenite and fracture characteristics was investigated. As Si content increases from 2.28% to 3.0%, the precipitation of carbide during bainite transformation is suppressed, and the fracture toughness and the amount of the retained austenite is increased. The high Si content limits the formation of martensite in the structure and minimizes segregation of other elements at cell boundaries. But in the excessive Si content (3.3%) showed the formation of islands of free ferrite in the bainitic structures and it decreased the fracture characteristics.
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