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Vol.29, No.3, 212 ~ 220, 1991
Marangoni Convection in Floating zone Melting of NaNo3 by Ring Heater method
김태진Tae Jin Kim, 최용삼Yong Sahm Choe, 백홍구Hong Koo Baik
Convection phenomena in the floating zone melting for the purification of the materials and single crystal growth were studied by ring heater method. Two kinds of NaNO₃ rods, 4㎜ and 6㎜ in diameter, were used in order to simulate the convection phenomena under the micro-gravity condition. The experiments on the effect of coupling between natural convection and forced convection, and between Marangoni convection and forced convection were conducted to find the effect of Marangoni convection in the floating zone. The forced convection induced by rotating the rod of 13rpm suppressed the natural convection and the shape of solid/liquid interface was changed from convex to planar when the counter-rotation was applied in the experiment of coupling between natural convection and forced convection. But it was found that the forced convection induced by single rotation of 73 rpm could not suppress the Marangoni convection completely in the experiment of coupling between Marangoni convection and forced convection. It can be suggested that the flow and the temperature fields in the floating zone method by electron beam where large temperature gradient is expected should be controlled by the application of forced convection.
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