A Study on the Spot Weldability of Hot - dip galvannealed Steel Sheet
신원철Won Cheol Shin, 민준기Joon Key Minn, 서창제Chang Che Shur
The application of hot -dip galvannealed steel sheet was studied in order to improve corrosion-resistance of the Zn-coated steel sheet. As spot welding is widely used for assembling automotive bodies, hot - dip galvannealed steel sheet is desired to have a good spot weldability as well as formability. This report is discussing the spot weldability, especially the factors which give the influence on the tensile shear strength and the cross-tensile strength of the weld. The results are summarized as follow : (1) Expulsion had no effect on the tensile shear strength but been observed on the cross tensile strength of the specimen. (2) Welding current and weld time were measured by experiment and were explained by a weldability lobe.