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Vol.28, No.10, 866 ~ 871, 1990
Effect of Heat Treatment and HIPing on the Creep Properties of a Nickel Base Superalloy IN 713 LC
김영석Y . S . Kim, 김승언S . E . Kim, 박로광N . K . Park, 김학민H . M . Kim
In this study, the effect of heat treatment and hot isostatic pressing (HIP) on the creep-rupture properties of IN 713 LC was investigated, with special attention paid to illustrate the role of carbides at 760℃/587㎫ creep. The rupture life after ageing treatment was increased with increasing temperature for solution heat- treatment and HIP, and with decreasing time for the given temperatures. HIP did not increase the creep-rupture properties, because the failure was governed mainly by the brittle grain boundary fracture. The variation of the creep-rupture life with exposure time at solution heat-treatment temperatures, 1176℃ and 1205℃, and at ageing temperatures, 926℃, was due to the irreversible change in the kinds and shapes of the carbides near grain boundaries.
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