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Vol.28, No.8, 689 ~ 695, 1990
Making of Al - La Alloy by Fused Salt Electrolysis ( electrolysis conditions of LaCl3 and Current Efficiencies )
김기호 Ki Ho Kim
The fused salt electrolysis of LaCl₃, with molten aluminum cathode and carbon anode was studied to produce the Al-La binary alloy. The decomposition valtage of LaCl₃was determined by two electrodes method. Electrolysis conditions, such as bath temperature, current density and electrolysis times were varied to investigate the effect on the current efficiency. The decomposition voltage of LaCl₃, was found to be 2.67V at 1173±2K. The optimum current efficiency was D_k=0.2∼0.3A/㎠, at the bath temperature of 1173^-K and was decreased by increasing the electrolysis times. Results reveal that Cl₂gas formed by electrolysis of LaCl₃may be responsible for the decrease of the current efficiency due to recombination with reducted La metal.
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